PolyFilter® 10 PVPP

Single-use PVPP for use with filtration body feed.

Product Specs

100% PVPP beer stabilizer optimized for single use. Offers a very effective means of preventing non-biological haze in all types of beer.  Non-biological haze formation results primarily from the hydrogen bonding between haze-producing proteins and the polyphenol constituents of beer. To achieve colloidal stability, it is necessary to reduce these protein/polyphenol complexes or prevent them from forming, which can be done by reducing the problematic polyphenols, proteins or both.

  • Catechin Adsorption of Mass: min. 55%
  • Swell Volume: 6.0 L/kg
  • Particle Size: ~35 micron
  • Contact Time: 4-5 min

Dosage Rates:

  • Beer with ≤ 65% malt
    • Alone: 10–30 ppm (~2.5–7.5 lb/100 USBBL)
    • With Silica: 10–20 ppm (~2.5–5.0 lb/100 USBBL)
  • Beer with ≥ 65% malt
    • Alone: 20–40 ppm (~5–10 lb/100 USBBL)
    • With Silica: 10-30 ppm (~2.5–7.5 lb/100 USBBL)

25 lb PE liner in fiberboard drum
20 kg (44 lb) PE liner in fiberboard drum
32 x 25 lb PE bag packed in stackable pallet box (special order only)
40 x 10 kg (22 lb) PE bag packed in stackable pallet box (special order only)