From DE to Depth Filters: Maximize Your Beer's Flavor and Clarity

Achieving exceptional clarification performance in beer filtration using traditional precoat filters and trap filtration requires a well-integrated approach that incorporates the right filtration aids and equipment. ATPGroup offers a comprehensive solution that leverages top-of-the-line products from both its own portfolio and its partnerships with Imerys and Eaton, optimizing every step of the filtration process.

1. Precoat Filtration with Diatomaceous Earth (DE) or Perlite:

Imerys Celite® DE Brewing Grades: These are engineered with low Beer Soluble Iron (BSI) content to enhance both flavor and colloidal stability while achieving brilliant clarity. DE creates a porous precoat that captures fine particulates while maintaining high flow rates.

Imerys Harborlite® Perlite: With high solids-holding capacity, this filter aid offers an alternative to DE, providing various permeability options for tailored clarification and throughput needs.

2. Cellulose-based Precoats:

Fiber Floc: ATPGroup’s cellulose-based precoat stabilizes cake formation, minimizes pressure shocks, and allows for easy cake removal during cleaning, which is especially useful when working with older or damaged filter screens. It enhances the performance of the precoat filter by providing an additional layer of protection and stability.

3. Depth Filtration:
Depth filter sheets made of cellulose, DE and resin. They offer excellent clarification over a wide range of nominal retention rates.

Eaton BECOPAD® Sheets:                           Premium depth filter sheets made of a-cellulose. DE-free, high purity, high wet strength media that results in superior performance.

Eaton BECODISC® R & R+ Lenticular Filters: These stacked filters come in forward-flow R and back-flushable R+ models and offer a compact footprint for high volume filtration.

4. Final Trap Filtration:

BECO MEMBRAN® PS Beer Membrane Filter Cartridges: Absolute-rated for high-performance particulate removal, these cartridges ensure that the final beer product is free of unwanted particles, offering a superior safeguard in the final filtration step.

BECO PROTECT® FS Cartridges: These depth filtration cartridges act as pre-filters to the membrane cartridges, maximizing throughput and enhancing the life of the final membrane filters.

By combining these advanced filtration aids and media, you can significantly improve clarity, flavor stability, and the overall quality of the beer. Whether using DE, perlite, or advanced depth and membrane filters, ATPGroup’s integrated solutions ensure that your filtration process is optimized from start to finish, delivering bright, stable, and high-quality beer.

And we’re here to help! Your ATPGroup Brewing Representative will work with you to find the filtration products and solutions that fit your needs and your budget. For more information, please call ATPGroup at (914) 834-1881 or e-mail