TMCI Padovan’s ultrasonic disruptor used by brewers to increase the release of aroma compounds.

Ultrasonic disruptor that allows brewers to increase the release of aroma compounds of high value products used in the brewing process. This innovative technology is new to the brewing industry but has been used for years by the wine and fragrance industries to increase yields of subtle compounds.

      • Increases aroma and flavor components in minutes.
      • Less fouling phenomena on polymer crossflow membranes.
      • Low operating cost.
      • Low environmental impact.
      • 100% chemical free — physical treatment only.

Sizes: 15 L pilot system to 3 hL systems


1. Substance to be extracted (ex: hops, spices) is milled to fine powder.
2. Powder is mixed under gas with liquid to slurry.  Deaerated water recommended to inhibit oxidation.
3. Slurry is recirculated through the Sonus to accelerate the release of aromatics by increasing the yields of hop acids and oils as well as flavor components of other products that would normally be bound and unavailable.
4. Slurry can be further processed by filtration, resulting in solids that would not be used and flavor permeate that could be added to products. Recommended platform: TMCI Padovan Dynamos Rotary Cross-Flow Filter System.